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limited service 【軍事】(人員)不適合擔任戰斗任務;(裝備,器材)不適用...


He keeps the strategy of “ think and do quickly , do it well quickly . “ and “ use limited capital create unlimited value “ ; “ limited service , immeasurable convenience “ , go to listening by heart , communication by heart , realization by heart , thinking by heart , do everything by heart 和“有限資本,無窮創造;有限服務,無量價值”的經營方針和作風理念,用心去傾聽,用心去交流,用心去感悟,用心去思考,用心去做事。

According to caac the biggest problems facing the civil aviation industry include too few airports , limited services , saturation at the main hubs of shanghai , guangzhou and beijing and difficulties in co - ordinating civil and military flight paths 民航總局表示,航空業面臨的最大問題包括機場數量太少、服務地域不廣、 (上海、廣州和北京等)樞紐機場容量飽和、軍民航空域使用協調困難等。

Article 21 an enterprise shall , at least at the end of each year , check the service life and the amortization method of intangible assets with limited service life 第二十一條企業至少應當于每年年度終了,對使用壽命有限的無形資產的使用壽命及攤銷方法進行復核。

Therefore , customers often express their dissatisfaction , complaining about the limited service and product , narrow space , and out dated decoration , etc 因此,顧客時常對此表示不滿,抱怨經營承包范圍和產品的單一,營業場地狹窄,及過時的裝修等。

Connection - limited services are recorded in root . dynfw - tcplimit , and if i ever want to turn the new connection limiting off , i can simply type 限制了連接的服務都記錄在/ root / . dynfw - tcplimit中,如果我要關閉新連接限制,只要輸入:

Some of the candidate technologies for esb implementation are relatively new and might only have been tested against limited service levels 一些候選的esb實現技術相對較新,并且可能僅僅在有限的服務級進行過測試。

Limited service controller “ on - off “ switch must be in the extreme “ off ” position to open the enclosure door 在打開外殼門之前,要保證開關處于“關閉”位置,否則,不能對控制裝置的開關進行維護修理。

Operating hours ( with limited service ) may be extended , and is subject to flight schedule 如航班時間有變,服務時間可能因應延長,但將只提供有限服務。

Operating hours with limited service may be extended , and is subject to flight schedule 如航班時間有變,開放時間可能因而延長,但將只提供有限的服務。

Standard specification for preformed retroreflective pavement marking tape for limited service life 服務壽命有限的預制反射路面標志帶的標準規范

Will there be limited services provided on saturday mornings during the transitional period 在過渡期間的星期六是否只提供有限度服務?

Limited service bank 有限服務銀行

Cl technical services limited service outsourcing 日達電腦服務有限公司外判服務